Port of Hope saved my life. It really gave me the hope and belief that I could end my addiction to drugs.
Non-Profit Means a Focus on Recovery
Unlike many rehabilitation and treatment facilities, Port of Hope is a certified non-profit organization. What does that mean for you or your loved one? It means that you have a place to go to get professional, affordable treatment from trained professionals whose bottom line is recovery, period.
Whether you’re looking for help for yourself or are concerned for a loved one, you’ve already taken the first step towards recovery: you’re seeking help.
Port of Hope has centers for alcohol and drug treatment in Nampa, ID, and Boise, ID, and offers both inpatient and outpatient intensive treatment for a wide variety of substance abuse problems. We also offer screenings and assessments to determine the specific needs of yourself or your loved one.
You’re not in this alone. Port of Hope can help. Call today for more information.

It is easy to stop using alcohol and drugs. I know. I did it hundreds of times before I got serious and began my own road to continued recovery. The hard part is staying stopped. That’s what our goal is, to provide you with the education, self-knowledge, and tools so that you can begin a new clean and sober lifestyle. I can tell you from experience that if you make sobriety your number one priority, you can do it. Addiction is a serious illness and disease and our staff takes helping you very seriously. The choices are clear, cold facts: sobriety, death or insanity. I wish you success in making the right choice.
I had been through treatment programs before, but I always went to a program for my wife or family or boss. When I came to Port of Hope I finally came to treatment for myself. I finally realized that staying sober had to be my number one priority. Because of the counselors at Port of Hope and my hard work I am now sober since 1997.
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How to Tell When Someone is Addicted to Pain Pills